Research Panel

Creating a Research Panel with Prolific

You need a lot of research participants that match your target audience fast?

Formbricks integrates well with Prolific. Prolific provides a pool of over 200.000 research participants you can choose from. Run market research with Formbricks within hours, not days.


External research panels are useful when:

  • You don't have access to enough people who match your target audience
  • You want to reach a specific demographic
  • You want to reach a large number of people quickly

Steps to Follow

Step 1: Add hidden fields to the Formbricks survey

To be able to attribute a completed answer to a research participant, you need to add hidden fields to your Formbricks survey. To do so, edit your survey and scroll down to the Hidden Fields card.

Add three fields with the IDs PROLIFIC_PID, STUDY_ID, and SESSION_ID.

Hidden fields added

Step 2: Create an account on Prolific

Go to Prolific and create an account.

Step 3: Create a study on Prolific

Once you're logged in to Prolific, create a new study.

Create a study on Prolific

We connect the Formbricks survey with the Prolific study by copying the survey link from Formbricks and pasting it into the Prolific study:

Copy the survey link

Step 5: Choose URL parameters for attribution

To attribute responses to the correct participant, you need to add URL parameters to the Formbricks survey link. The parameters are PROLIFIC_PID, STUDY_ID, and SESSION_ID, exactly like the hidden fields you added.

Adding URL parameters to the survey

Step 6: Update the Formbricks Redirect URL

To ensure that participants are redirected back to Prolific after completing the survey, add the redirect URL provided in the Prolific study setup (e.g.

Copy from Prolific:

Copy redirect URL

Set it up as Redirect URL in the Response Options in Formbricks:

Add redirect URL to Formbricks

Step 7: Preview the study

Preview the study using Prolific's Preview-functionality

Preview study

Got to the success screen? Then you're ready to publish your study!

Preview complete

Step 8: Publish the study

After you've published the study, you'll get the first responses within a few hours.

That's it! 🎉

Once you've published the survey, you can sit back and watch the responses come in. Prolific will take care of the rest.

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